A Semester in Buenos Aires Studying International Business

A person standing at the front of a classroom looking at a large screen

A Semester Spent Studying International Business with CEA CAPA in Buenos Aires, Argentina    

Reflecting on the photos for this set I am filled with immense feelings of gratitude. I am grateful to CEA CAPA Buenos Aires for providing an environment conducive to learning.  

A room with couches and study abroad students sitting at tables

CEA CAPA Buenos Aires’s Study Center provides a comforting environment for getting work done and hanging out with friends. 

A building on a city street corner

Field trips don’t only show you one location, they allow you to travel around the city and discover new places you otherwise would not have learned about. 

I thank my professors for bringing experts to lecture my peers and me on their industries today. For example, I have learned the importance of making ethical decisions for South America from both an environmental and economic standpoint from economic sustainability experts and teams. AI and data developers have walked us through the creation of SQL (structured query language) and machine learning in group projects and lectures.  

A person standing at the front of a classroom looking at a large screen

Guest speakers come in to lecture, answer questions about their respective industries, and offer some personal advice. 

A person standing in front of an easel painting an image of a horse on it

San Antonio de Areco artist Miguel Angel Gasparini paints a horse live in his studio in front of our group. 

Our professors have also used their connections to bring us to Globant, a top software company where we learned strategies for ethical expansion as Latin America continues to modernize.  

A study abroad student sitting in a chair in front of several screens in an office building

Globant welcomed our group multiple times to visit the office, receive lectures, and learn about AI and sustainability. 

Getting to visit the Exolgan port was a first for both myself and the Buenos Aires CEA CAPA team. I thank my professor and the Buenos Aires CEA CAPA team for their tenacity in providing the best learning experience for their students.  

A barge in the distance at a port near water

Exolgan opened their port to our International Business class to learn about Argentina's unique import regulations. 

Getting to see the port was truly remarkable because of Argentina’s strict import policy. This has played a huge part in my experience living here as imports are extremely overpriced compared to in the U.S. where free trade is much less restricted. Learning why trade is so heavily restricted here by the company that owns the largest port in the largest city in Argentina was enlightening.  

The Food and Culture in Argentina class has undoubtedly enriched my time in Buenos Aires the most. I learned about dishes, places, and the people who have immigrated here to make the city what it is today. The San Telmo Market not only tells that history but also shows how it shapes markets and food culture today.  

An indoor market filled with lots of people walking around

A tour of the San Telmo Market in our Food and Culture class shined a light on both the history of markets in the city as well as the role they play today. 

An ornate bar at a restaurant behind which stands a waiter preparing a drink

Confitería La Ideal was restored over the pandemic; the glass ceilings and woodwork were preserved thankfully, taking restaurant goers back to the early 20th century. 

The diversity in the learning opportunities provided in field trips can be seen throughout this photoset: new restaurants, parts of the city, other towns in the country, and even surrounding countries are unveiled through a study abroad experience with CEA CAPA. 

An outdoor gravel walkway shaded by trees on either side

Trips to towns outside of the city allow us to learn about other ways people of the same country live. 

A large patch of grass with rocks, trees, and a building in the distance

Traveling to Colonia, Uruguay was a great experience CEA CAPA brought us on to learn the culture of another country.


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